Are There Stages of Awakening?

One of most powerful descriptions of awakening is the 10 Ox-herding drawings depicted in Zen Buddhism. It shows the process in stages, and my experience deeply resembles the description. While there might be a more of a sudden insight into awakening, where all identificaiton with the mind cease, the clarity, wisdom, and freedom that come with it often unfold slowly, like peeling back layers of an onion. For most of us it starts with a glimpse into the emptiness behind all things. You might get a taste of—but not entirely realize—that there’s no “self” running the show; life just flows.

Yet, even with this insight, the feeling of having a separate self often lingers. It’s important to remember that these initial insights are just experiences that come and go. Allow them to run their course, letting fresh and authentic insights arise. Real freedom isn’t about collecting cool spiritual experiences; it’s about FULLY recognizing that there’s nothing beyond this moment, and within this moment, no-thing is running the show.

As you go deeper, you might have more glimpses of this emptiness, slipping into a space where you feel totally connected and open. You might think, “Wow, I’ve made it!” But the journey continues. The sense of “I AM” might still persist, giving you the feeling that there’s a watcher observing all these experiences. The key is to stay curious and keep exploring. Eventually, you may notice that there’s no one behind the scenes pulling the strings at all—things just happen effortlessly.

As you dive deeper, even the faintest sense of a separate “I AM” can fade away. You might reach a point where everything feels boundless and free, with no need to label or explain anything. The identification with how the mind operates dissolves. When thoughts are seen as just thoughts, entirely unpredictable and without ownership—this is where the real magic happens.

You start to realize that there’s no beginning and no end, just a continuous flow. No time, no space, no separation, no non-separation. Only a dynamic aliveness, with no center, seer or experiencer. In the seen, there is only what is seen. Clarity and wisdom grow, and the noise in your head quiets down. Not only are you no longer tied to those old thoughts, but you might find that they don’t even appear anymore. It’s like closing one book and starting a fresh, new story.

While speaking in stages can be counterproductive, there is definitely some sort of linearity when it comes to moving toward liberation. We dismantle suffering progressively and gradually, and while a sudden shift into the realm of unconditional liberation would certainly be amazing, be prepared to accept that this is a process. However, be mindful not to fall into the trap of thinking too much about stages. Instead of worrying about what stage you’re at, stay open and curious about what’s happening right now, and follow what intuitively feels right for you.

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